
Wie beeinflusst die Rohstoffkrise "My Mülltonne"?

How does the commodity crisis affect "My Garbag...

Will the raw materials crisis come after Corona? That is a question that many companies from different industries ask themselves. Many companies, including "My Mülltonne", are currently suffering from the...

How does the commodity crisis affect "My Garbag...

Will the raw materials crisis come after Corona? That is a question that many companies from different industries ask themselves. Many companies, including "My Mülltonne", are currently suffering from the...

Was tun, wenn die Tonnen anfangen zu muffeln?

What to do when the bins start to stink?

What to do when the barrels start to smell? 7. Tips against smelly garbage cans: 1. Empty trash cans frequently Organic waste should be taken outside every day or two....

What to do when the bins start to stink?

What to do when the barrels start to smell? 7. Tips against smelly garbage cans: 1. Empty trash cans frequently Organic waste should be taken outside every day or two....

Holz richtig lagern in My Mülltonne Premium Holzunterständen

Store wood correctly in My Mülltonne premium wo...

 What would winter be without an open fire? When it's really snowing outside and the thermometer shows below 0, you can sit comfortably in front of the fireplace and...


Store wood correctly in My Mülltonne premium wo...

 What would winter be without an open fire? When it's really snowing outside and the thermometer shows below 0, you can sit comfortably in front of the fireplace and...

Mülltonnenbox, Mülltonnenhaus, Pflanzwannen - Hersteller mit Bestnote

Garbage can box, garbage can house, plant tubs ...

Your feedback helps us to make our service even better.

Garbage can box, garbage can house, plant tubs ...

Your feedback helps us to make our service even better.

Lärche oder Thermkiefer

Larch or thermal pine?

The question of which wood rhombus strips for your My garbage can meets wood garbage can cladding is primarily a question of taste. The following are a few basic facts...

Larch or thermal pine?

The question of which wood rhombus strips for your My garbage can meets wood garbage can cladding is primarily a question of taste. The following are a few basic facts...

Wir feiern Hochzeit ♥️ & Sie feiern mit!

We celebrate wedding ♥️ and you celebrate with us!

We're celebrating a wedding ♥️& you're celebrating with us! From 25.08. - 31.08.2020 benefit from a one-off 10% discount on all our products from €1000.CODE WORD: Wedding Cannot be combined...

We celebrate wedding ♥️ and you celebrate with us!

We're celebrating a wedding ♥️& you're celebrating with us! From 25.08. - 31.08.2020 benefit from a one-off 10% discount on all our products from €1000.CODE WORD: Wedding Cannot be combined...