MyMülltonne GREEN - alte Box einschicken, Gutschein sichern, neue Box aussuchen

MyMülltonne GREEN - send in the old box, secure a voucher, choose a new box

MyMülltonne GREEN - The bin box market of the future!

Let products and goods do their job longer, that's the idea of ​​MyMülltonne. Sustainability and recycling shouldn't just be empty marketing slogans for us, we want to shape the future the way we want it to be.

Our industry needs to value the earth's finite resources more and embrace the principles of recycling, circular economy.

Specifically: reuse, refurbish, repair and give products and materials a second life.

We have been using these principles for years and refurbish goods that have been damaged in transit instead of disposing of them.

Let's start together now!

Who is GREEN for?


- You have bought an existing property and would like to exchange the existing garbage can system for a new one.

- You have bought the wrong dustbin system that does not suit your needs/ideas.

- It's about time, they just want a new dumpster house.


- Second hand bin boxes of all kinds & styles

- At MyMülltonne GREEN you will find beautiful, quality-tested, used garbage can boxes for your sustainable home.

GREEN in action

Sell to MyMüllbinne

1. User sends us photos of used product and provides information about brand and condition.

MyMülltonne accepts items in all price ranges and all brands - which are undamaged and operational. MyMülltonne checks the photos and other information and sends you the total purchase price as an offer within 2-3 working days.

2. The user prepares the used garbage can box for collection by a forwarding agent and MyMülltonne picks it up free of charge (forwarding goods).

Goods that can be sent as a package are prepared by the user as a package and sent to MyMülltonne free of charge.

3. After the items received have been checked, MyMülltonne pays the user the price as a credit note for the MyMülltonne online shop.

4. MyMülltonne resells the purchased item after it has been repaired by our master metal and wood workers via our online shop as a pre-owned second-hand item.

If an item has been submitted that cannot be accepted, it will either be returned to the user or donated.

Super easy via WhatsApp or send us an email - we look forward to hearing from you.

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